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I traded 9 TF2 keys for Divinity OS but I'm unable to actually find the game anywhere. Some help eould be appreciated as I'm new to this and have some trouble finding my way around. I can't find the trade logged in my profile either.

I checked Bendik's bot inventory history and the game had been traded to your Steam account:
(27 Jul, 5:15 a.m.)

If you really can't find it in your inventory, it probably was revoked by Valve in a very short period of time after you purchased it, and if thats true then you are out of luck :(

Thanks for the answer, however it seems that the problem lies with the site rather than the gift being revoked.
As far as I understand it should've reached me at some point before disappearing, but the the game never actually got to my inventory so it seems weird that Valve would revoke it without it actually ever reaching my account.

The trade history page linked above is proxied to the corresponding page of the Steam account of Bendik's bot, and it shows that the trade had went through normally.

That trade should be shown in the trade history of your Steam account too, you can use that trade history entry as the starting point and try to persuade Valve support to take a look, other than that I can't think of other ways to help.