Forum/Support Market
Busy icon
Saw it in the updates on the frontpage, but couldn't find the matcher. Anybody been able to find and try it out yet? This is just for the regular keys and not the capsule ones I hope :) just to be sure.

The matcher are just the icons in the Currency tab. There is no 'any' CS:GO key matcher if you are guessing there is one.

Ah k thx. Guess I just misinterpreted.

Coookie meant a "Random CS:GO key" option which would be welcomed, as there is kind of a big diversity among the csgo key payers.

Coookie meant a "Random CS:GO key" option which would be welcomed, as there is kind of a big diversity among the csgo key payers.

This will be really nice, i'm sure much buyers have a mix of keys.

Coookie meant a "Random CS:GO key" option which would be welcomed, as there is kind of a big diversity among the csgo key payers.

The reason it is not added yet is because I don't know if it is possible to exclude only capsule keys.

Coookie meant a "Random CS:GO key" option which would be welcomed, as there is kind of a big diversity among the csgo key payers.

No :) was genuinly thinking that were was a "Any CS:GO key" option was added due to;
Sellers who have "any CS:GO keys" in wishlists

But would like the option indeed. Could maybe a matcher be made that includes several ID's manually added ?