Forum/Support Market
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Hello there :)
Fist i wanna say that i'm french and I have some problems. My main problem is to set up a trade !

I have 1 main account and an alt account.
I want to use the alt to make a trading bot with but i don't know how to put items inside my bot and how to create the trade :x. I spend like 4 hours searching before posting this message, i watched a lot of YouTube videos. And still don't understand.

Could someone help me, it would be awesome :) !


1. Log in by Steam.
2. Click the house icon to go to your shop management page.
3. Expand the 'Steam Inventory' section by clicking on any item category, like Team Fortress 2.
4. Select items you want to deposit, then click 'Exchange' at the bottom toolbar.
5. Once completed, expand the 'Shop Inventory' section, similar to the Steam Inventory section.
6. Select items you want to sell and click 'Trade' at the bottom toolbar.