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When i try to exchange my keys on bot
Bot trying to send offer but only retrying 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and giving error i have been trying for 2 days

Are you talking about the CS:GO keys?
Try to deposit a random CS:GO item to the bot first, and then retry withdrawal.

still same :S i cant take my cs go keys on bot when i try to send any cs item giving error again

I have refreshed your inventory.
Please try to wait for a time when the CS:GO item API is up (look for the green light for "CS:GO" on the main page) and try again.

green light on cs go and still not working when i try to exchange any gift or tf2 item giving error too bot is not working i need your help i added you

green light on cs go and still not working when i try to exchange any gift or tf2 item giving error too bot is not working i need your help i added you

Bot is trade banned.
You should write Steam support ticket to inquire about the ban (the bot's account name is "shopagent280").

I cant exchange too,what happen?

I think that tf2 api is bugged, i can exchange games

i send ticket if they don't open my ban what we can do

i send ticket if they don't open my ban what we can do

Literally nothing, accept the fact that the items are lost.
But we have a 'rule' here that you can get another bot for one time if you provide the tool for unlocking an account (Orange Box or Upgrade to Premium gift).

thats unfair. if dispenser did not give me warranty why i should use this shit ?
ur piority must be reliable to your users

thats unfair. if dispenser did not give me warranty why i should use this shit ?
ur piority must be reliable to your users

lol? Do we take a share from Valve's income? Why do we have to be responsible for their actions?
If you cannot get the bot unbanned what else can we do for you?

okay than i need to sell my items. can you do something about bot for a few time like when steam respond

just add me ill give premium gift

i want to get another bot