Forum/Support Market
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Hi there,

I’ve recently noticed that my cs:og light is red and not green. I don’t really understand why as I’ve plenty cs:go keys in my inventory.
Could you please take a look and fix this issue I’m having, thanks.

Kindly regards

Its not something on your end. The little light indicates the CS:GO API status. When its red that means ALL CS:GO trades will not work. All you can do about it is check back later.

Also know that CS:GO API is down often and most of the time. It is rarely up and running for long periods of time. You have to trade within your window of opportunity.

I recommend using this site to check when it's up and running: It updates by the millisecond.

The one on the doesn't necessarily update quick enough.

Its not something on your end. The little light indicates the CS:GO API status. When its red that means ALL CS:GO trades will not work. All you can do about it is check back later.

Thanks, i get it now :-)

Also know that CS:GO API is down often and most of the time. It is rarely up and running for long periods of time. You have to trade within your window of opportunity.

I recommend using this site to check when it's up and running: It updates by the millisecond.

The one on the doesn't necessarily update quick enough.

Thanks, understood! :-)