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I was victim of a very serious problem after my Dispenser Bot (ODIN B0T Shop) send a DYING LIGHT gift to im not bot (shopagent87) which is B0Ni's dispenser Bot.

After confirming the trade my bot sent the game to "im not bot" (boni inventory) and received 22 CSGO case keys, but my dispenser did not identify the keys have been received and recognized that the gift was still present (it wasnt, because it was sent some seconds after boni confirm the purchase). For many hours I coudnt touch the keys, because dispenser acknowledged that the exchange was still in progress . I tought " Its Ok, probably its just Server delay".

When I logged in my dispenser page (after 2-3 hours) to see if everything was normal for me be able to take the keys for myself, I saw the big surprise !

B0ni's personal bot (im not bot), removed the keys from my OdinB0T Shop inventory and took my Dying Light gift for free.

I still don't know if it was a dispenser Bug or a trick that people are using to buy games for free.

I want my Gift or the 22 keys back.

Waiting for answers,

Thanks, Odin.

It's a feature - because the CS:GO item API is down items are on hold. Noone will take lose as both the buyer and seller could not take the items. I could revert the trade here in case something has gone wrong.

Probably i will not receive the keys, so the better option is revert the trade if possible.

You will, the API was preventing the keys from moving. But they will move once it's up.

Thanks Joto, everything normal again.