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Hello, i will reported this guy:
For scam... He want to sell h1z1, dayz, gtaV, untradable, and in few days revoke this. His before account was banned.
Now he blocked all users who bought something with his games becouse blocked people can not rate his shop.

Any other buyers can confirm?

Seriously... this looks like a 100% scammer, close his shop until he says something. If he adds buyers in blacklist of his shop... can only mean that hes not planning to be here for long. Good job CrazY for finding this so fast. He is cleaning comments on shops page which ask why he blocks people.

Please check his ip address, probably is new account he was scam me for 8 copies h1z1 on his alternative account, all revoke.

Looks like there are serious scammer problem since gta5 introduction. Selling gifts for small profit is old school, selling gta5 (which is 6x price of cs:go) and revoking looks way more profitable. Dispenser should add some kind of restriction to whom they sell VIP bots. I know its profit hit, but this scammer thing is becoming ridiculous.

And yes, i also saw that there were comment from user about blacklisting him and now its gone.

Seems happening a lot here on lately. Seems any scammers can just hit Dispenser for VIP, sells enough stuffs and gain profits then revoke all his gift later. Scammer doesn't care those who are scammed by his shop and really does not care getting banned as they can come back later for another VIP. Comes back again to and goes VIP once again with another new account sell enough stuff and profit etc... A scammer can keep coming back to over and over again. Does this same process over and over.

I think should start screening VIP requests rather than immediately accepting any new/different steam accounts to be VIP. If really cares then there should be requirements to become VIP to keep scammers out.

Seems happening a lot here on lately. Seems any scammers can just hit Dispenser for VIP, sells enough stuffs and gain profits then revoke all his gift later. Scammer doesn't care those who are scammed by his shop and really does not care getting banned as they can come back later for another VIP. Comes back again to and goes VIP once again with another new account sell enough stuff and profit etc... A scammer can keep coming back to over and over again. Does this same process over and over.

I think should start screening VIP requests rather than immediately accepting any new/different steam accounts to be VIP. If really cares then there should be requirements to become VIP to keep scammers out.

The biggest problem right now is that Paypal is totally shit when it comes to seller protection. If the scammer uses a stolen credit card to make the premium purchase he could basically chargeback later and almost win 100%. Sometimes you can even chargeback with absolutely no reason. I have been thinking of getting out of Paypal completely. Now should be the time.

If they bother to buy VIP with keys, we will run some scripts to detect potentially dangerous account and lock them immediately after they have purchased the premium, by looking at the account's details and what they put in.

Also, we are now making some kind of 'approval' system that put new VIP status on hold until my approval.

Seems happening a lot here on lately. Seems any scammers can just hit Dispenser for VIP, sells enough stuffs and gain profits then revoke all his gift later. Scammer doesn't care those who are scammed by his shop and really does not care getting banned as they can come back later for another VIP. Comes back again to and goes VIP once again with another new account sell enough stuff and profit etc... A scammer can keep coming back to over and over again. Does this same process over and over.

I think should start screening VIP requests rather than immediately accepting any new/different steam accounts to be VIP. If really cares then there should be requirements to become VIP to keep scammers out.

The biggest problem right now is that Paypal is totally shit when it comes to seller protection. If the scammer uses a stolen credit card to make the premium purchase he could basically chargeback later and almost win 100%. Sometimes you can even chargeback with absolutely no reason. I have been thinking of getting out of Paypal completely. Now should be the time.

If they bother to buy VIP with keys, we will run some scripts to detect potentially dangerous account and lock them immediately after they have purchased the premium, by looking at the account's details and what they put in.

Also, we are now making some kind of 'approval' system that put new VIP status on hold until my approval.

I think you can disregard PayPal/CC already. PayPal/CC can buy keys anyway to be used for VIP. Let the applicant buy their Keys.

That's good to hear that there is a script checking for potentially dangerous account and hope that approval system for VIPs will be implemented asap. Manual review is still better to be sure the VIP seller/trader will be honest and responsible enough for what they will trade/sell on their shop.

I think you can disregard PayPal/CC already. PayPal/CC can buy keys anyway to be used for VIP. Let the applicant buy their Keys.

That's good to hear that there is a script checking for potentially dangerous account and hope that approval system for VIPs will be implemented asap. Manual review is still better to be sure the VIP seller/trader will be honest and responsible enough for what they will trade/sell on their shop.

Manual review could only stop the very obvious one, though. We have seen legit user got greedy for once and ruined it all. Buyers should always protect themselves by balancing their risk and reward before they buy an untradable gift, which is uninsured by Steam.

It is good if you add some restriction for new vip user for sell itemes.
for example : can add Selling daily limit.
2.hold new item received in SHOP INVENTORY for 1 day or more

I think he managed to scam 2 other people, because yesterday he had 42 keys in his inventory, now he has 82, and he sells GTA V for 20 keys....

I think he managed to scam 2 other people, because yesterday he had 42 keys in his inventory, now he has 82, and he sells GTA V for 20 keys....

can u give me his steam profile link ?

At least this guy doesn't come back with a fake story like that "Olaf" scammer did. I wasted like 2 days explaining to people that the guy is the real scammer and the 3rd party person doesn't exist. PayPal donations must be turned off because I think they're donating for VIP Shops on PayPal and revoking that too later.

I think he managed to scam 2 other people, because yesterday he had 42 keys in his inventory, now he has 82, and he sells GTA V for 20 keys....

can u give me his steam profile link ?
But it looks like he moved all items from his inventory.