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I bough 2 copies GTA V Tier 2 from "" and 2 GTA V Tier 3 from my regular supplier. After i sent gifts to my bot, gifts were lost :S

I bought and sold hundreds of games from this traders, there were no problem. There must be other problem with Both gifts disappeared at same time, that's too weird.

Problem solved, thanks..


I had the same problem some days ago, i still think that my GTA V gift was not revoked and it desappeared from my bot.

I had another case similar to yours.What you can try to do first, is send a tradeble gift to your bot and maybe the missing gifts will appear in your inventory

I had the same problem some days ago, i still think that my GTA V gift was not revoked and it desappeared from my bot.

I had another case similar to yours.What you can try to do first, is send a tradeble gift to your bot and maybe the missing gifts will appear in your inventory

Thank you very much mate, my problem is solved now ;) I can see them in my bot's inventory now

Steam has severe delay in inventory update recently. Similar case here:
All the 'Waiting for gift accept' stuck had something to with that.

As Odin said, send a tradable gift to refresh the bot's gift inventory may work.