Forum/Support Market
Busy icon
This site would be sooooooooo good if the owner made it look more simple and easy to manage. im so confused on what to click and what to buy and when searching for games its hella hard to find the right game your looking for. Even listing stuff on to sell is very weird awkward and clunky. This site has sooooooo much potential but i think its these things that are holding it back. When i search for stuff the bar said "sell" and then the search bar, but its really a "buying" search bar. like wtf? lol. And also the top right WHITE icons mean nothing! i have to mouseover them for 3! SECONDS! for them to pop text over so i can read wtf that is. sorry i think thats enough venting for now. Its just really hard to navigate around the site. I apologize its not simple and you really have to use it a lot to get use to it. But it should be easy to navigate around in the first place. This site is amazing btw. Layout. Not so much. But i really appreciate ty man

And the cheapest games should be listed in the first page / trades too and so on as the price rises. It would be much more convenient for buyers to choose, and the sellers who sell for small profits and the cheapest price could sell faster.

We already have a new layout in place. Just not going to update the site yet because we are doing a fix for CS:GO trading first.