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Hi everyone,

I used to deal with this problem when trying to receive gifts from another account. And I see many cases also happen with bot and buyer in dispenser. Right after you receive the gift and choose store in inventory instead of adding directly to your library, you will see all of them vanished. Even when they are completely legit gifts.

This is a steam bug when the server busy. So to fix this issue, you only need to trade a trading card or background to account / or bot (for the seller) has the gifts vanished, then all of them will be shown.

Hope my little experience can help you solve the issue. GL :)

Yeah it will show in the Steam Inventory with this solution, but if the Steam has Inventory Cache lag / bug you can't do anything and it won't show up on Dispenser Shop Inventory but it will show in your Bot's Steam Inventory it's because of massive steam lag with the Cache system. You can only wait. I am experiencing this problem too, the "GTA V" Gift is in my Bot's Steam Inventory but I can't see it in my Dispenser Shop inventory on the site.

Hi Edward, if gifts show in bot but not show in dispenser, I need to wait for a while and they will show up later in dispenser shop, is that right? Thanks for your advice :D

Hi Edward, if gifts show in bot but not show in dispenser, I need to wait for a while and they will show up later in dispenser shop, is that right? Thanks for your advice :D

Yes, that's Steam's fault with their laggy / desync Inventory Cache. If you can see the game in your Bot's Inventory and not in you Dispenser Shop on the site then it's the Cache desync lag. Only solution is to wait and this could take up for a whole day which is really annoying.