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Just noticed this today on Dispenser Shop on the site "Withdraw Limit 5 / 3". What is this all about? Is this given to everyone or? I can't withdraw anything from my account because of this new LIMIT implementation and I wanted to know why is this done on Dispenser? It only slows trading so much and I can't do anything else with my Shop because of this, but My Bot is working perfectly.


After discussing with Cara we have come to the conclusion of a "Daily Transaction Limit" which includes "Deposit", "Withdrawal" and "Transfer". Every "trusted" account will have a limit of like, 50, which allows you to trade the bot around half an hour once. We have noticed that scammers have a tendency to trade the bot with small amount over a high frequency (in order to leave as few items in the bot as possible to prevent loss from ban). I believe if new accounts are limited to only ~10 transaction a day it would greatly reduce the efficiency of scam.

If you are a legit user I believe this limit would be more than enough for you. If it is not then you might have to re-adjust your habit a little bit. Certain users are making A LOT of transaction and are taking a lot of site resources that is starting to become unfair to other users as well, especially when the Steam network is not smooth.

Ignore the limit of 10 for now. It is actually unlimited. The limit is not yet implemented.

After discussing with Cara we have come to the conclusion of a "Daily Transaction Limit" which includes "Deposit", "Withdrawal" and "Transfer". Every "trusted" account will have a limit of like, 50, which allows you to trade the bot around half an hour once. We have noticed that scammers have a tendency to trade the bot with small amount over a high frequency (in order to leave as few items in the bot as possible to prevent loss from ban). I believe if new accounts are limited to only ~10 transaction a day it would greatly reduce the efficiency of scam.

If you are a legit user I believe this limit would be more than enough for you. If it is not then you might have to re-adjust your habit a little bit. Certain users are making A LOT of transaction and are taking a lot of site resources that is starting to become unfair to other users as well, especially when the Steam network is not smooth.

Ignore the limit of 10 for now. It is actually unlimited. The limit is not yet implemented.

Includes Deposit? So 50 gifts only for the whole day? So RIP bulk trading on good deals like CS:GO and similar games. So if I have Buy Orders for like 200 gifts per day on big sales then I can buy only 50 gifts for deposit? I am still not agreeing about this at all, waiting responses from other VIP Sellers.

After discussing with Cara we have come to the conclusion of a "Daily Transaction Limit" which includes "Deposit", "Withdrawal" and "Transfer". Every "trusted" account will have a limit of like, 50, which allows you to trade the bot around half an hour once. We have noticed that scammers have a tendency to trade the bot with small amount over a high frequency (in order to leave as few items in the bot as possible to prevent loss from ban). I believe if new accounts are limited to only ~10 transaction a day it would greatly reduce the efficiency of scam.

If you are a legit user I believe this limit would be more than enough for you. If it is not then you might have to re-adjust your habit a little bit. Certain users are making A LOT of transaction and are taking a lot of site resources that is starting to become unfair to other users as well, especially when the Steam network is not smooth.

Ignore the limit of 10 for now. It is actually unlimited. The limit is not yet implemented.

Includes Deposit? So 50 gifts only for the whole day? So RIP bulk trading on good deals like CS:GO and similar games. So if I have Buy Orders for like 200 gifts per day on big sales then I can buy only 50 gifts for deposit? I am still not agreeing about this at all, waiting responses from other VIP Sellers.

It's 10, 50 etc. transaction not the number of exchangable items.

Joto you need contact aswell paypal becouse his paying vip with stoled money anyway this will happend again end again with ochter accounts.

After discussing with Cara we have come to the conclusion of a "Daily Transaction Limit" which includes "Deposit", "Withdrawal" and "Transfer". Every "trusted" account will have a limit of like, 50, which allows you to trade the bot around half an hour once. We have noticed that scammers have a tendency to trade the bot with small amount over a high frequency (in order to leave as few items in the bot as possible to prevent loss from ban). I believe if new accounts are limited to only ~10 transaction a day it would greatly reduce the efficiency of scam.

If you are a legit user I believe this limit would be more than enough for you. If it is not then you might have to re-adjust your habit a little bit. Certain users are making A LOT of transaction and are taking a lot of site resources that is starting to become unfair to other users as well, especially when the Steam network is not smooth.

Ignore the limit of 10 for now. It is actually unlimited. The limit is not yet implemented.

Includes Deposit? So 50 gifts only for the whole day? So RIP bulk trading on good deals like CS:GO and similar games. So if I have Buy Orders for like 200 gifts per day on big sales then I can buy only 50 gifts for deposit? I am still not agreeing about this at all, waiting responses from other VIP Sellers.

It's 10, 50 etc. transaction not the number of exchangable items.

Ahh ok.. So I send for example: 10 Gifts to my Bot then I Accept those Gifts and that counts as 1 transaction from the 10 / 50 limit?

After discussing with Cara we have come to the conclusion of a "Daily Transaction Limit" which includes "Deposit", "Withdrawal" and "Transfer". Every "trusted" account will have a limit of like, 50, which allows you to trade the bot around half an hour once. We have noticed that scammers have a tendency to trade the bot with small amount over a high frequency (in order to leave as few items in the bot as possible to prevent loss from ban). I believe if new accounts are limited to only ~10 transaction a day it would greatly reduce the efficiency of scam.

If you are a legit user I believe this limit would be more than enough for you. If it is not then you might have to re-adjust your habit a little bit. Certain users are making A LOT of transaction and are taking a lot of site resources that is starting to become unfair to other users as well, especially when the Steam network is not smooth.

Ignore the limit of 10 for now. It is actually unlimited. The limit is not yet implemented.

Includes Deposit? So 50 gifts only for the whole day? So RIP bulk trading on good deals like CS:GO and similar games. So if I have Buy Orders for like 200 gifts per day on big sales then I can buy only 50 gifts for deposit? I am still not agreeing about this at all, waiting responses from other VIP Sellers.

It's 10, 50 etc. transaction not the number of exchangable items.

Ahh ok.. So I send for example: 10 Gifts to my Bot then I Accept those Gifts and that counts as 1 transaction from the 10 / 50 limit?

You can move 150 items from one side in each transaction as of now. so that should count as 1/50.

After discussing with Cara we have come to the conclusion of a "Daily Transaction Limit" which includes "Deposit", "Withdrawal" and "Transfer". Every "trusted" account will have a limit of like, 50, which allows you to trade the bot around half an hour once. We have noticed that scammers have a tendency to trade the bot with small amount over a high frequency (in order to leave as few items in the bot as possible to prevent loss from ban). I believe if new accounts are limited to only ~10 transaction a day it would greatly reduce the efficiency of scam.

If you are a legit user I believe this limit would be more than enough for you. If it is not then you might have to re-adjust your habit a little bit. Certain users are making A LOT of transaction and are taking a lot of site resources that is starting to become unfair to other users as well, especially when the Steam network is not smooth.

Ignore the limit of 10 for now. It is actually unlimited. The limit is not yet implemented.

Includes Deposit? So 50 gifts only for the whole day? So RIP bulk trading on good deals like CS:GO and similar games. So if I have Buy Orders for like 200 gifts per day on big sales then I can buy only 50 gifts for deposit? I am still not agreeing about this at all, waiting responses from other VIP Sellers.

It's 10, 50 etc. transaction not the number of exchangable items.

Ahh ok.. So I send for example: 10 Gifts to my Bot then I Accept those Gifts and that counts as 1 transaction from the 10 / 50 limit?

You can move 150 items from one side in each transaction as of now. so that should count as 1/50.

I hope it will be a good solution for the Buyer and for the Seller too, so this "Limit" won't hurt the normal Trading / Selling on Dispenser and it won't slow it down.

To clarify: Transaction Limit = Limit for number of transactions, not number of items. We have to reduce the number of transactions a bit (and the related task created in the database).

In my opinion the best option is to make week restriction to withdraw keys for newcomers (maybe even more) with limit of keys available for taking out. With month or two of test period. When this period is over, reduce or remove this restriction if there were trade activity in the bot. This at least will make life of scammers more complicated.
In current state there is really no borders or consequences for scammers. They easily come, wash stolen money and disappear, leaving people with loses.

Its good that there are some restrictions and it could help a bit, but in reality scammers will just think of new schemes. Like buying multiple vips etc. Also selling 10 gta5 (or 10 cs:go) per day for few days still is profitable scam. Those chargebacks after all happen few days if not weeks after purchase.

I think we also need to educate users, like adding info window before sending trade, which explains user, that he is basically trading with bots owner not dispenser site. Encourage him to do research of his own (visit steamrep, look at his steam account) Also some this-is-new bot or this-is-low-activity-bot (for bots sitting idle for months and suddenly coming back with 100 cheap cs:go) message would help.

Showing info like "This bot has completed X sales in period of N months, of which M happened during last 30 days" would also help users a lot.

In the end of the day the scammers will find a way to scam always. Steam is trying everything on their own to help, Joto is trying too, but the biggest problems are the Buyers you now ask why? - Because they don't even do a little bit of research about the Seller, they see a "good" deal and they immediately buy that and they're coming back later when that specific game is revoked to cry about Dispenser's Site and Bots and they're blaming the site for it. People are too lazy to check out the Steam Profile, SteamRep, etc.. of the Seller and most of them don't know the cheapest price of the game. But the lamest thing is those Buyers who want to save $1 or $2 on the game and they don't want to buy a little bit more expensive from a Trusted Seller but they rather risk big time from a Not Trusted Seller with throwaway account.

In the end of the day the scammers will find a way to scam always.

They will, ofc. But that don't mean no need to do anything. There is really no problems to use Dispenser as laundering place now.

In the end of the day the scammers will find a way to scam always. Steam is trying everything on their own to help, Joto is trying too, but the biggest problems are the Buyers you now ask why? - Because they don't even do a little bit of research about the Seller, they see a "good" deal and they immediately buy that and they're coming back later when that specific game is revoked to cry about Dispenser's Site and Bots and they're blaming the site for it. People are too lazy to check out the Steam Profile, SteamRep, etc.. of the Seller and most of them don't know the cheapest price of the game. But the lamest thing is those Buyers who want to save $1 or $2 on the game and they don't want to buy a little bit more expensive from a Trusted Seller but they rather risk big time from a Not Trusted Seller with throwaway account.

The most ridiculous thing is some people bought those gifts to resell for profit, and is now asking for refund here..They are supposed to do the refund ffs. And people who blame us for not using a magic 8-ball to 'expect' the revoke..

I think the most needed education right now is to teach people not to report the bot when there is revoke.

In the end of the day the scammers will find a way to scam always. Steam is trying everything on their own to help, Joto is trying too, but the biggest problems are the Buyers you now ask why? - Because they don't even do a little bit of research about the Seller, they see a "good" deal and they immediately buy that and they're coming back later when that specific game is revoked to cry about Dispenser's Site and Bots and they're blaming the site for it. People are too lazy to check out the Steam Profile, SteamRep, etc.. of the Seller and most of them don't know the cheapest price of the game. But the lamest thing is those Buyers who want to save $1 or $2 on the game and they don't want to buy a little bit more expensive from a Trusted Seller but they rather risk big time from a Not Trusted Seller with throwaway account.

The most ridiculous thing is some people bought those gifts to resell for profit, and is now asking for refund here..They are supposed to do the refund ffs. And people who blame us for not using a magic 8-ball to 'expect' the revoke..

I think the most needed education right now is to teach people not to report the bot when there is revoke.

I agree. But I never knew Steam Profile Reports are working this fast and this good. Because they're lot of fake reports out there from 'angry kids', trolls, etc... I am trading a lot and I get people adding me and thinking that Dispenser is a scam and they're panicking and thinking everything is a scam. Especially TF2 Traders & CS:GO Traders, the Dispenser site is posted in the Community tab on so if you are a Team Fortress 2 Trader you are definitely using for price checking, Selling and a few other things beside those. I can't believe that so many people didn't heard about Dispenser and when I say "use my Shop/Bot" and I provide the link which they saw on for example: Tf2Outpost they're starting to accuse me that Dispenser Site is a scam and I get a bunch of fake reports from people like those ignorant traders. Especially the TF2 Traders. But the funny thing is that the most skeptic people are getting scammed all the time, they're cautious about Dispenser ( lol? :D), they won't research anything about Dispenser and they're starting to accuse the Seller for their skepticism. Today I got a 'Level 70 Steam Account', he/she had 300+ games on Steam, etc... and the person accused me that my Dispenser Shop/Bot is a scam because the Not Tradable Game is not in the Trade Window. I explained the person everything and said go check out Steam Forum / Support if you want to know more about the Not Tradable Gifts for 30 days, he/she responded: "scammer", blocked and deleted me. Now THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

For what it's worth I'm okay with a reasonable transaction limits. Performance definitely needs a boost as it has been disappointing quite often recently. More barriers for scammers is unfortunately also a must. Lots of people are still confused and afraid of Dispenser and for an automated service trust is even more important than in case of regular trading.

For what it's worth I'm okay with a reasonable transaction limits. Performance definitely needs a boost as it has been disappointing quite often recently. More barriers for scammers is unfortunately also a must. Lots of people are still confused and afraid of Dispenser and for an automated service trust is even more important than in case of regular trading.

I agree. Game Trading would be much easier if the Gifts are Tradable after Purchase but this restriction was implemented from Valve because of too much revoked gifts. That Limitation for Transaction should be implemented for New Dispenser Shops in my opinion but the Trusted Sellers should have some sort of a minimum limitation because if everyone have the exact same limitation that could really slow down and hurt bigger Sellers on Dispenser.