Forum/Support Market
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"Only one ask order is allowed for gifts. Please cancel your other order and try again. Adding more stock to existing order is unlimited."

Why this limitation? Why just dont put 1 for link and 1 for market? Yes, I know linked is included in market, but there are still buyers that dont want/like the credit system and prefer to buy paying full keys. And I as seller prefer to have both options in the same game. For example, selling it at market at 3.90 and 4 keys linked.


i have to sell my games with old system and market, but after new changes i cant list games on market, this silly. u need to change this, we need better solution

just add "market price option" to wish list for old trades, so we can arrange market price.

like this >

+1....please dont count post linked in market....only limit in action credit


I bet because of this

We will adjust the new limitation for compatibility with old trade + market trade.

We will adjust the new limitation for compatibility with old trade + market trade.

would u do this? with current system we need to split our gifts, we need more gifts.