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Nothing happens when I try to save my trade offer URL

I already bought some keys with bitcoin, but I guess I have to have this configured to receive them?

Huge noob here, sorry.

Just realized STEAM is blocking my account from making trades due to a password reset... *facepalm*

Is there any way to *receive* items to an account that has trading blocked? Seems like there is no risk to the user in this case...

No risk to you but what you are saying is unrealistic. I really do not understand how to give you something when you cannot receive it.

Maybe you could prepare another 'trading alt' so that you can use it next time when this happens.

Thanks for the reply - I really didn't understand how the trading system worked - my goal was to purchase a game gift with bitcoin, which it appears I did successfully...
They locked me out because my unikrl8 account was inactive for a couple years before I tried to do these trades.

I have an open support ticket with steam to try to remove the restrictions, which seems totally reasonable since my account currently has ZERO items that are at risk if I were considered a 'social hacker'...

Is it possible to change the bots to give that game gift to a different steam account? I'm assuming that's what you mean by a 'trading alt' ?

Thanks Joto!

Thanks for the reply - I really didn't understand how the trading system worked - my goal was to purchase a game gift with bitcoin, which it appears I did successfully...
They locked me out because my unikrl8 account was inactive for a couple years before I tried to do these trades.

I have an open support ticket with steam to try to remove the restrictions, which seems totally reasonable since my account currently has ZERO items that are at risk if I were considered a 'social hacker'...

Is it possible to change the bots to give that game gift to a different steam account? I'm assuming that's what you mean by a 'trading alt' ?

Thanks Joto!

If you do not have any tradable account the best course of action is to wait it out. Everything you have bought here will be kept until your account is tradable.

About trading alt, I was saying you could make more Steam account so that next time one of your account becomes untradable for whatever reason, you can trade with other accounts.