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It seems that there are no withdrawable keys available in the credit system.

It's weird on multiple levels, as I think there is a GREAT AMOUNT OF CREDITS in the dispenser system right NOW that seem to WORTH NOTHING until someone puts in some keys in addition.

It's weird, because (as of my informations) the only way to get credit is possible by putting in keys.
It's also weird, because you charge fees for trading for credits, and there's a difference between the buying/selling price on csgo keys, so there SHOLD BE A SURPLUS in the stock of keys instead of a strong deficit.

Where did these keys go?

/Edit: It seems your Vault 02 is full of keys. Why isn't it attached to the system?

Some vaults are only for withdrawal and some vaults are only for deposit. This way we can keep close monitor to the bot activities and prevent errors.

I see. I guess there was just a delay then in moving keys from the deposit vaults to the withdrawal ones.

True. Can't withdraw any Keys from the Credit System for hours. It shows 0 for all type of Keys including tf2 keys too.

I see. I guess there was just a delay then in moving keys from the deposit vaults to the withdrawal ones.

It only refills on my approval. I will roughly check all the transactions each day and see if there are suspicious transactions. So you may see empty vault for some hours.