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Always deposit key credit always shows failed :Your trade offer URL is unusable. Please verify your trade offer URL and retry.

Everything involving my trade URL returns "Trade offer url invalid, your trade offer url is unusable, etc." I generated a new trade URL on my Steam profile, but even after setting up the new URL here the behaviour is still the same "Trade offer url invalid". I know, in the past this problem usually went away by itself after a while, but this time it seems it doesnt.

Steam changed the login system, which one successful login cannot followed by another login attempt within about 30 seconds. Some changes will be needed to correctly handle this change.

Steam changed the login system, which one successful login cannot followed by another login attempt within about 30 seconds. Some changes will be needed to correctly handle this change.

now always show retrying

ID Action Shop Bot Executed Status
2649373 Key Transaction N/A Dispenser Vault 2023-08-12 19:24 Retrying - 1