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Trading bug is gone... cheers! No more trade fortress all day!

Thanks for the information.

Got some good stocks during the bug so I am happy :D

I was going to report the bug to Valve after we had stock up so the market will not be flooded with nice goods.

Now they realize they had fucked up and fixed it, I'm happy with that lol.

Actually could we tell other players what did they missed in the party?

You mean the trade "cleaning" bug?

quote:(You mean the trade "cleaning" bug?)

yeah, it tired everyone who knew it!

Too bad I didn't sell all my bills/buds/keys for buying 2011 skull. Now craftable skull price rises so much.

quote:(Too bad I didn't sell all my bills/buds/keys for buying 2011 skull. Now craftable skull price rises so much.)

hey.. r u on steam?