Forum/Support Market
Busy icon
First of all, the official hsp announcements regarding the highlander tournament and other official things should be separate from reviews or articles. I suggest making the homepage of into a more official page which has content such as server changes, tournaments etc. and make another 'blog' page to separate the hsp blog of reviews and articles. Personal opinions should be separate from announcements in my opinion.
Second, a link to your steam page would be nice. I didn't even know you guys had a steam page before.
Third is about the forum. The forum is quite nice but some tags are confusing, for example 'Jockey club' made me confused. I would suggest you guys make less tags so people can browse easier.
Of course these are just suggestions.You guys are doing a mighty fine job promoting tf2.

Rico said he is too busy to add these things because Skyrim is out.

Actually, I have said the same thing about 2 months ago. :D

And about the tags there is nothing much that can be done about it because everyone is allowed to create his/her own. If we do not allow that the tag system has not much point either :-(

Valid reason I guess lol
Well CL told me to write these suggestions and stuff. Maybe when Rico has time he could fix things up a bit.