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I'm new to this site and just got started making trades. I deposited some metal in the shop inventory and tried updating my trade by increasing the batch set number. It never did any change to the trade, but the newly added metal became unavailable for other uses. I tried closing the trade to free it up again and now it just disappeared from my shops inventory.

It's been about 5-10min and there doesn't seem to be any change going on. Please help me get it back =(?

I found the metal quickly with an inventory scan and reassigned them. It is a weird 'bug' indeed. If it happens again please let me know because it would need some more serious investigation.

Thank you very much! One thing that came to mind, I also decided that it would be a good idea to upgrade my account from the 5$ tier to the 10$ tier. It's directly after this that I added metal and tried to make changes to the trade. Maybe something in the upgrade process messed things up? Dunno if it helps with the error searching process, just throwing it in there.