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20-12-2011 - Amendment to the rules to cover the cases of late coming, pauses, rematch handling.
21-12-2011 - Added result and STV demo for the first round of LeMaitre vs pTEND.
28-12-2011 - Added banned weapons to the match server configuration.
3-1-2011 - Added result and STV demo for both rounds of HSP.HK Staff vs pTEND.


The four participating teams: staff team
LeMaitre (
9ay (


Round 1 - HSP vs 9ay

pl_upward (HSP 0:1 9ay)

Round 1 - LeMt vs pTend

pl_upward (LeMt 0:1 pTend)

Round 2 - HSP vs LeMt

cp_freight_final1 (HSP 4:1 LeMt)
pl_swiftwater_final_rc (LeMt forfeited, HSP wins by default)

Round 2 - pTend vs 9ay (2/1)

Round 3 - HSP vs pTend

cp_gravelpit (HSP 1:0 pTend)
ctf_turbine_pro (HSP 3:2, 3:2 pTend)

Final Result HSP 2:0 pTend

Round 3 - 9ay vs LeMt

All matches date have to be confirmed by both teams before the first date of the round.

All matches date discussion is to be conducted in HSP forum to allow easier server preparations.

Results and STV demo

LeMaitre vs ptenD (0:1 pl_upward)

HSP.HK Staff vs LeMaitre (4:1 cp_freight_final)

HSP.HK Staff vs 9ay (0:1 pl_upward)

HSP.HK Staff vs pTEND (1:0 cp_gravelpit)

HSP.HK Staff vs pTEND (3:2 3:2 ctf_turbine_pro)

HSP.HK Staff vs 9ay (1:2 cp_5gorge)

HSP.HK Highlander Tournament 詳細規則 [中文]:

1. 比賽時間: 比賽將在香港時間22:00 p.m. (GMT+8)前開始。

2. 比賽隊伍: 比賽隊伍須於該日比賽前12小時內交出所有參賽者(包括後備)的名稱及steam id (在console中輸入status後所獲得的ID)。每隊最多只能在每回合比賽中提交9名正選及3名後備。而當日比賽將會以該12人進行。所以如一方有超過4名在名單內卻沒法上場的成員時,當日比賽只能以較少的人數下進行。直至下一回合前提交新名單後才能改動成員。

3. 比賽形式: 是次比賽以9v9 Highlander形式兢逐。4隊參賽隊伍將以聯賽形式角逐冠軍。每隊將會與另外3隊對賽,一共6場比賽,獲勝次數最多的一隊將會成為是次比賽冠軍。而當有兩隊出現同分時,將會以兩隊的對賽成績分排名。

4. 比賽何服器及其他有關服務將由HSP.HK提供,有關細節將在Steam群組及論壇公佈。

5. 勝利條件:

a) 5點式CP (cp_badlands): 地圖時間30分鐘內先勝出4回合或勝出回合數較多的隊伍獲勝。
b) KOTH (koth_ashville_rc1): 地圖時間30分鐘內先勝出3回合或勝出回合數較多的隊伍獲勝。
c) 攻防式CP (cp_gravelpit): 採用ABBA賽制。地圖分兩節進行。第一節以A隊先攻, B隊第二回合為攻方。 第二節以B隊先攻, A隊為最後攻方。取勝次數較多或時間上較優勝隊伍獲勝。
d) Payload (pl_upward): 採用ABBA賽制。地圖分兩節進行。第一節以A隊先攻, B隊第二回合為攻方。 第二節以B隊先攻, A隊為最後攻方。取勝次數較多或時間上較優勝隊伍獲勝。
e) CTF (ctf_turbine_pro): 地圖時間30分鐘內先勝出2回合(奪取對方情報3次)或勝出回合數較多的隊伍獲勝。

**6. 暫停


a) 有隊員因為技術問題斷線
b) 其他妨礙參賽者比賽的問題


**7. 棄權


a) 在每回合比賽前的第一天內不能決定比賽時間
b) 在約定時間的十五分鐘內不能作賽
c) 在一場比賽中並不能以七人或以上完成
d) 在比賽後並沒有報告賽果 (除非比賽中斷)


8. 賽後事項:

a) 比賽後雙方隊員必須在 forum上確定最後結果。
b) 冠軍隊伍將獲得由hsp.hk送出的禮品乙份。 (如冠軍隊伍為HSP,獎品將授予次名對伍)

9. 禁止事項

a) 武器
1. 神授貫殺獵槍 (Machina)
2. 脅威使 (Enforcer)
3. 後勤空防員 (Reserve Shooter)
4. 任何完整套裝 (Full sets)
5. 任何聖誕更新加入的武器
6. 是次賽事途中Valve加入的任何新武器 (Any weapons added by Valve during this tournament)
7. 允許使用奇異武器及異常帽子 (Strange Weapon and Unusual Hats are allowed)

b) 其他

1. 任何形式的作弊。
2. 對其他人作出人身攻擊,不禮貌的行為等等。
3. 任何隊伍被發現違反上述規則將可能被取消資格。

HSP.HK Highlander Tournament Rules [English]:

1. Match time:

Every match will be started before 22:00 p.m. (GMT+8).

Matches have to be started within 15 minutes of the amended time. Otherwise the team without a full team of 9 players have to play with less players. If less than 7 players are available in the team, the team is given a forfeit.

2. Teams submission:

Participating teams must submit the full list of their members (including substitutes) and their steam id (the ID you obtain after you input status in console) 12 hours before the match starts. Every team could only submit 9 first-team members and 3 substitutes each round. The match on that day will be played by those 12 people. Which means if there are 4 members on the list missing during the match, a team could only play with less players, until they submit their new member list before next round.

3. Competition:

The HSP.HK Highlander Tournament will be played in a 9v9 highlander setting. The 4 competing teams will play in a league. Every team will play with the other 3, in a total of 6 matches. The team which wins the most matches will be the champion of the tournament. In case if two teams have the same score, the champion will be decided by the match result between the two teams.

4. Servers:

All servers and other related services will be provided by The details will be announced in our steam group and forum.

5. Victory Conditions:

a) 5-point CP (cp_badlands): The team that has won 4 rounds or more rounds in 30 minutes wins the map.

b) KOTH (koth_ashville_rc1): The team that has won 3 rounds or more rounds in 30 minutes wins the map.

c) Attack-defend CP (cp_gravelpit): Play in the ABBA stopwatch config. Maps will be played in two sessions. In the first session, team A attacks first, then team B attacks in the second round. In the second session, team B attacks first, and then team A attacks. In the first round, A team gets 1 point if B team is unable to beat A team's time shown in the stopwatch. In the second round, B team gets 1 point if A team is unable to beat B team's time shown in the stopwatch. If after 2 rounds it is a tie (i.e. round score A 1-1 B). Both teams play another round with A attacking first and B attacking second. If B team is able to beat A team's time in this round, B team wins map. Otherwise, A team wins the map.

d) Payload (pl_upward): Play in the ABBA stopwatch config. Maps will be played in two sessions. In the first session, team A attacks first, then team B attacks in the second round. In the second session, team B attacks first, and then team A attacks. In the first round, A team gets 1 point if B team is unable to beat A team's time shown in the stopwatch. In the second round, B team gets 1 point if A team is unable to beat B team's time shown in the stopwatch. If after 2 rounds it is a tie (i.e. round score A 1-1 B). Both teams play another round with A attacking first and B attacking second. If B team is able to beat A team's time in this round, B team wins map. Otherwise, A team wins the map.

e) CTF (ctf_turbine_pro): The team that has won 2 rounds (securing enemy intelligence for 3 times) or more rounds in 30 minutes wins the map.

6. Pauses:

2 pauses are given to both teams for each map when requested by one of the team captain during:

a) Player Crash
b) Other problems that cause a player cannot play properly

Each pause could not be longer than 3 minutes.
Pauses that related to server issues do not count for team pauses.

7. Forfeits:

Forfeits are given to teams who failed:

a) to organize a match before the first date of the round.
b) to attend the match within 10 minutes of amended time.
c) to finish the entire course of match with at least 7 players throughout the matches.
d) to submit results after a round (only when both teams cannot submit their results)

Forfeits are not given to technical failures related to HSP servers or large-scale steam failure.

8. Post-match:

a) The two teams must confirm the results on forum after match.
b) Prize will be given to the winners by (If the champion is HSP, the prize will be given to the second best team)

9. Prohibition:

a) Banned weapons

1. Machina
2. Enforcer
3. Reserve Shooter
4. Phlogistinator
5. Manmelter
6. Third Degree
7. Pomson 6000
8. Eureka Effect
9. Full sets
10. Any weapons added by Valve during this tournament
11. Strange Weapon, Weapon Reskins and Unusual Hats are allowed

b) Others

1. No cheating.
2. No flaming and other impolite behaviors.
3. Teams having 2 forfeits will be warned. After having 3 forfeits, the offenders will be disqualified from the tournament.
4. Any teams found violating these rules could be disqualified .

All Australian Christmas 2011 weapons are banned under weapon restriction section 7.

Due to a bug introduced today, Frontier Justice is banned until the bug is fixed.

EDIT(17/12/2011) Frontier Justice is unbanned.

28-12-2011 - Added banned weapons to the match server configuration.

29-12-2011 - Schedule updated

My only concern is it is too long to play that way, if every meeting we play 2 maps it will be much better. I think if both teams can play 2 maps at one meeting, then they should do it.

agree wiv rico,
as the only problem is the match cannot start at the scheduled time, we scheduled 22:00, but start around 22:45, it is the major problem.
my suggestion rules may fix the problem when play 2~3 maps a day,

Added result and demo of HSP.HK Staff vs 9ay. ( HSP 0:1 9ay )

To be honest, i find it silly to drag a tournament for Months. I have never seen this done anywhere else, not when there are actually only Four teams participating.

Find couple of consecutive days, list them as match days, if you cant come and play all your matches in those days, you lose, that's it.

The idea of one team playing only one match in a week is no offense, stupid. This is not a bracket match, I don't see why do we have to wait until Round1 finishing to be able to play 2nd Round, not like the result of another game would affect the games in 2nd Round.

I see you understand that many teams have insufficient members and it is difficult for us to arrange a match date, but that's the same case for all of us. Instead of dragging the tournament to increase the probability of 18 ppl to have a matching day, you should man up and select a week or a period of time as the match period and ALL games had to be played in that period.

This is a tournament, not pub/pug. You need to let the participants to know the difference.
I see the failure of this tournament because of the lack of commitment shown by players or even team as a whole.

HSP should not tolerate such behavior as it is one of the most important fundamental requirement of clan matches.

Too bad if you cant commit to a tournament that you signed up for, you are disqualified and good luck next time.

Hopefully next time, they would have learned that commitment is an important aspect, and those individuals would improve/be replaced.

Instead of trying to adjust your tournament rules and time to adapt to 4*(9+subs) players need (which by now I hope you can already see it being impossible due to the commitment issue), you should stick to the previous match format and apply a strict time period.

Enough time wasted.

What I'm trying to say, is that no matter how much time you give to an uncommitted person, the result would be the same. It is better to be strict in your time schedule and shorten it to avoid further conflict of time.

Yes, I think it is better to play 2 or maps in one go and when do they played don't really matters. Just schedule a meeting and play as much maps as they can, if its possible to play 3 in one go its even better.

The more meeting to schedule will only cause more problem finding the players. Players available today doesn't mean the next scheduled day, and more schedule the more problems.

If its possible I think matches should be scheduled in Sat/Sun afternoon/early night so the individual real life distraction will be less dominant to the tournament, and everyone will be happier due to the availability of players.

To be honest, i find it silly to drag a tournament for Months. I have never seen this done anywhere else, not when there are actually only Four teams participating.

Find couple of consecutive days, list them as match days, if you cant come and play all your matches in those days, you lose, that's it.

The idea of one team playing only one match in a week is no offense, stupid. This is not a bracket match, I don't see why do we have to wait until Round1 finishing to be able to play 2nd Round, not like the result of another game would affect the games in 2nd Round.

I see you understand that many teams have insufficient members and it is difficult for us to arrange a match date, but that's the same case for all of us. Instead of dragging the tournament to increase the probability of 18 ppl to have a matching day, you should man up and select a week or a period of time as the match period and ALL games had to be played in that period.

This is a tournament, not pub/pug. You need to let the participants to know the difference.
I see the failure of this tournament because of the lack of commitment shown by players or even team as a whole.

HSP should not tolerate such behavior as it is one of the most important fundamental requirement of clan matches.

Too bad if you cant commit to a tournament that you signed up for, you are disqualified and good luck next time.

Hopefully next time, they would have learned that commitment is an important aspect, and those individuals would improve/be replaced.

Instead of trying to adjust your tournament rules and time to adapt to 4*(9+subs) players need (which by now I hope you can already see it being impossible due to the commitment issue), you should stick to the previous match format and apply a strict time period.

Enough time wasted.

I also find it silly but if we go on disqualifying teams when they can't stick to a certain schedule, we are all out of the game already. I do hope that it can run at a better rate but people just keep missing and there is nothing we can do about it. Playing an actual match is still more important than deciding who is a winner, and we could only compromise on certain things.

May I request an unban on cow mangler 5000 and detonator?

Unbanned Cow Mangler 5000 and Detonator.

All teams must finish their match by 1st Feb 2012. This includes: vs 9ay (2nd half)
pTend vs 9ay

p.s. LeMt forfeited the entire tourney. Therefore match results against them are removed.

Added Result and demo for HSP.HK Staff vs 9ay 2nd half.

UGC has updated their item ban list as follows:
- Winter Season 2012 excluded weapons are;
1. Reserve Shooter
2. The Enforcer
3. Machina
4. Pomson 6000
5. Phlogistinator
6. Holiday Punch
7. Bombinomicon
Any new weapons released during the course of a season are NOT allowed, unless otherwise ok'd by Admins and Testing Group.