Forum/Support Market
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Hello. I've got the following problem: bot is not changing amount of batches, when i choose "ALL".
Example. I have got 2 permanent trades, where i buy keys, and where i sell keys. I have got 5 keys and 0 refs, i sell them for 17 ref each and get 85 ref. How to make bot auto-change amount of batches in trade, where i'm buying keys for 16 refs from 0 to 5 batches automatically when new refs arrive?
If there is no such function, please create it.
Hope you understand my bad English.

Yours, Synthetic Chicken.

There is no such feature.

There is no such feature.

Then, create this feature please. It will be very usfull for most resellers.
Add button named "auto change batches amount" with 2 positions "yes" and "no"