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Free to play tactical shooter based on DotA as the core gameplay with similar TF class system but by no means same at all. Currently closed beta

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OMG Monday night combat, it's damn fun :D

First person DoTA style huh? I wonder about the mini map and pinging.. lol

LOL. I think it is f2p in March / April right?

Game isn't optimized to the best which it feels sluggish for me.

Gameplay wise the lag compensation for shooting is great. However it does not help against movements and being hit by knockback attacks.

This game is not all that bad. But start to lose its charm for me after a while...the lag and the sluggish feeling makes it not enjoyable to repeat again and again.

The most worrying problem of SMNC is the horrible balance of the classes.

The high HP classes has way too much HP, the light classes in contrast has way too few. Gunslinger is like free frags since you need 6 or 7 headshots to kill another sniper, and more than 10 headshots to get a tank, gunner, or even assault... Combat girl looks inferior to support since support can shotgun and annihilator... plus in MNC you can't play 2 of the same classes in a team, the strategy aspect of the game is being shallow, random teams become steam rolling target due to the bad class selections, similar to the situation that we give the community a taste of Highlanders in TF2.

The matchmaking is also worrying. It's almost unplayable if you are alone right now, since teams with invited teammates and randomly assembled teams are put in the same pool for matchmaking, so if you are alone and play with a random team, you are 99% (no it should be 100%) get steam rolled the next game. And horrible teammates you met last game will be in the next game playing with you again because he rage quited last match and finding teams at the same moment with you :(. This makes a negative feed back loop because random team getting steam rolled -> random team rage quits -> find another random team -> getting steam rolled, and at last everyone will be left unsatisfied and leave the game, never look back.

They are doing a fairly good job in class balances to be honest.
It's a 5v5 games, each class has its own pros and cons
I admit there are balances issue when there are 10 characters with 2 different weapons (two firing mode) and 3 skills each, but the game is actually more playable than what you are describing here.

Gunslinger is meant to have lower damage on her sniper rifle, do try the other guy if you are looking for more conventional power sniping. Her first skill along with rapid fire is what make her an outstanding damage dealer in early to mid games.

The tactics are much like dota when it comes to high level play, there are many elements implemented in game to significantly add weights to skill, teamwork and timing.

Match making is a problem, but Team games are prioritised to pair with other teams for couple of minutes before they are thrown out to the public pool. I would imagine this problem being solved after release, a better queuing and league seperating system shall be implemented by then.

and Combat girl is awsome, there is generally two play style. Kitten farm and Laser girl.
Kitten farm requires more preperation and time to set up, but it is more powerful than support's sentry after established. Laser girl is good asset to team, since pumping dmg helps her multiple target heals as well as her good range and accuracy nailgun, not to mention her nuke laser.

After a few more games, I feel this game is unplayable if you are alone now :(

Everytime you quick match you will be teamed up with random players going against a team of 5 which are friends ... The random team you are in sometimes no one even bother playing healer, or everyone are just free to play without even one unlocked pro ... The free pro rotation this week comes with 2 commandos and new players will be really difficult to play with them, if a team of 5 free pros this week play against a team of 5, the result is predictable.

Playing with random player isn't a problem, the problem is both teams need to be random , and the free pros must be easy to play classes. The game isn't that shit last week because the free pros are not that stupid.

Let's hope the free pros next week will learn from the mistake of this week.

The community have really brought up the matchmaking issue since the beginning but because the signs of it are really showing this time, I'm sure they'll address this but when that will happen is anyone's guess. Part of the problem is the averagely low volume of players now, not matching teams to the public pool will make teams games that much lesser chance to start if at all

Playing alone is pretty much based on luck since there's still a decent number of players that only do quick match. It's rather worst now due to a lot of players start to team up with known skillful players that they played with. But do remember the core base of this game is teamwork and tactics (rather uncommon), I've won multiple games with 2 and 3 players fed and rage in my team

They should create leagues or selectable pools, a pool for solos only.
Or the team will be assigned randomly to two teams when they choose to play in that pool.

They are only adding more and more cosmetic that worth like 15 USD on such a small player base. I don't see the future of this game anymore.