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my order for 33 keys at 1.79$ was fulfilled but as I have a free account I've got only 17 keys, I paid the fee as 33 keys, so now I can't put an order for 16 more keys at 1.79$ only 15 keys, because it's charging me double fee. Besides now price of keys is higher..!
Any solutions?



We did not charged you double fee. The problem had nothing to do with shop full. I think what happened was that BTC price dropped so the order you created could only afford 32 keys but not 33 keys.

We did not charged you double fee. The problem had nothing to do with shop full. I think what happened was that BTC price dropped so the order you created could only afford 32 keys but not 33 keys.

Thanks for the quick answer. I just checked my history and saw "buyer is out of balance", but I don't understand why the whole order was cancelled instead of keep buying keys in this case 15 keys until the wallet goes to 0.
Because now my order is in queue, while before my order was the first one at 1.79$
Thanks, I'm looking forward to get premium.
