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Sent some gifts to bot acc. Pressed "Accept game gifts". 20 min pass - gifts still in my inventory.

EDIT: Still nothing

Accepting gifts for your bot failed because it cannot obtain gift inventory information from your Steam account, probably because you set "Keep your Steam Gift inventory private, regardless of your inventory setting above." in your Steam privacy settings.

because you set "Keep your Steam Gift inventory private...

Guess you right. Will check soon. On the other hand - why open gift inventory so critical? Bot recieve gift and all information around it. Why it need my inventory?

The "pending gifts" information from the Steam page only contains the game name and the image, which cannot distinguish between some special game gift variations. The bot hence obtains the detail information about your gift by looking up those info from your Steam profile inventory page with the pending gifts item ID, the bot will first create the database entry, accept your gift and then fill in the new Steam item ID to the database entry.

After the gifts are accepted into system, you can hide your Steam inventory afterwards.