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I bought 2 copies Sep.2th, but I didn't notice they are region I declined this trade offer on my steam, but I've never got tf2 keys back or games I bought. Can you help me with this trouble?
I've never traded with my dispenser concerning this case, but I got a trade offer from the steam account of the seller shop.

Only display like these, what should I do in this case ?

Your inventory is private. Trade offer does not work here if your inventory is private.

Please make your inventory public and receive the gifts first, then contact the seller and try to trade it back.

If not you can resell them.

I always set my inventory private but certainly I set open my inventory when trading, I just decline offer at that time. Should I contact the seller ? He still have them I was supposed to buy ?

The problem is if you decline an offer our system will keep retrying until you receive them. If you keep your inventory private you won't be able to receive the trade offer.

You probably have to leave it public for some time then you will receive the trade offer (supposedly).