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It looks like there are about 330 shops open at the moment (from counting the number of pages).

I expect it will grow quite fast, because users want to attract people to their shops (obviously) by linking to them, and if users promote their shops, then they are also promoting the whole site.

It looks like there are about 330 shops open at the moment (from counting the number of pages).

I expect it will grow quite fast, because users want to attract people to their shops (obviously) by linking to them, and if users promote their shops, then they are also promoting the whole site.

There are 804 shops at this time. Database value :)

It looks like there are about 330 shops open at the moment (from counting the number of pages).

I expect it will grow quite fast, because users want to attract people to their shops (obviously) by linking to them, and if users promote their shops, then they are also promoting the whole site.

There are 804 shops at this time. Database value :)

Database can't be wrong :) but I can't seen any more pages after page 16, with 20 shops on each page.

For example: and are the same.

I'm sure almost nobody is going to look for stuff by clicking through so many pages, but maybe it's a (small) bug?