Forum/Support Market
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Dispenser Vault 03: This is a CREDIT DEPOSIT session, you can deposit 0.99+ refined metals, click READY when you finished adding metals. 10:18:31
Dispenser Vault 03: You can only deposit 0.99+ more credits. 10:18:40

What should I do?

I think the credit limit should change from Free User 5.00ref to 5.88ref, so this situation will not appear again.

Another thing I want to say is, I know the bots the max. can only accept 100 items in their inventory when they are not the premium account, I know some bots have around 9X in their inventory, that will make the user can't buy anything from that bot's shops. (If bot have 99 items, for example I buying a token to paying 3 weapons, steam will stop this trade after Make Trade.)

Dispenser 48: This is a EXCHANGE session, I will give you 1 items, at the same time you can deposit 4 items. Click READY when you finished adding items. 18:49:11
Dispenser 48: Unable to offer item! 18:49:11
Dispenser 48 增加了 XXX 18:49:17
Dispenser 48: Security Code: XXXX 18:49:17
Dispenser 48: This is a EXCHANGE session, I will give you 1 items, at the same time you can deposit 4 items. Click READY when you finished adding items. 18:49:19
您已準備完成 18:49:45

Why bots always can't ready for the trade after it said unable to offer item before it offered? If the system want don't trade with user when unable to offer item once, why bots don't cancel the trade after unable?

Another thing I want to say is, I know the bots the max. can only accept 100 items in their inventory when they are not the premium account, I know some bots have around 9X in their inventory, that will make the user can't buy anything from that bot's shops. (If bot have 99 items, for example I buying a token to paying 3 weapons, steam will stop this trade after Make Trade.

Can't help it. Because people paying metal in scrap always make bot overload. Also, I think the bot allocation algorithm has some bugs. Making some bots very crowded and some bots very empty in contrast. We have made some changes and lets hope that it will work.

Why bots always can't ready for the trade after it said unable to offer item before it offered? If the system want don't trade with user when unable to offer item once, why bots don't cancel the trade after unable?

Unable to offer item could be 1. The item in your inventory is bugged, showing up something non-existent so there is no way the bot can trade you. 2. Can't get item information from Steam because of lag / steam api error. If you found that your inventory shows up items that no longer exist, tell me and I will delete them.