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Before I donate, my inventory space is 12, because I am beta tester, (Free User)10 + 2 (Beta Tester). Now, my shop only have 25 inventory space (donated $5, basic donor), there is no beta tester addition (+2)?
One more question, I know I can bump my shop every hour when I am a free user, that means when I see "Last bumped: an hour ago." I can click bump and have message "Bump successful".
But now, when I see "Last bumped: an hour ago." I click bump, only show "Bump failed. You are bumping too frequently.", is there any different between Free User and Basic Donor in manual bumping time?


Before I donate, my inventory space is 12, because I am beta tester, (Free User)10 + 2 (Beta Tester). Now, my shop only have 25 inventory space (donated $5, basic donor), there is no beta tester addition (+2)?

Yes, that +2 has to be removed for donators because we no longer can store items as much as we like (they even removed the 50 'buffer zone' space) so the inventory control has become very tight.

I will test the bump.