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It seems someone withdrew 4 refined from the ATM. Well, that wasn't me. I had .66 in there that I couldn't withdraw due to the limits, but somehow someone did. Not sure how that happened.

And mysteriously, it's back. Weird bug or error I guess if you didn't mess with it?

Go to "My Shop" then "Shop History"
Might Show =P

It didn't, that's why I was wondering about it. No history whatsoever of it.

The same thing happened to me, what happened was 0.33 ref was suddenly in my balance and I was like what the heck, might as well spend it, but after a while the credit showed as -0.11 Ref.

There wasnt any real history on it either.

I have the same problem. Was nice and positive now is negative.

I'm having the same problem. It was 0.22 after I made a credit purchase. Each day it has been going more and more negative. Currently at -1.44

I should have fixed most of people's credit. There is a glitch that removed the older ledger :/
joekiller did you remember roughly how much credit you had?

I should have fixed most of people's credit. There is a glitch that removed the older ledger :/
joekiller did you remember roughly how much credit you had?

I have no idea.

Just zero it out I guess it shouldn't have been much.