Forum/Support Market
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I was going to withdraw some items, particularly the 3 Refined Metals that I kept to my bot (Dispenser 68). When I clicked on the "Exchange Items" button to withdraw the items, the button won't function or respond. Was this a bug or is there something I must do to fix it? Please help!

If you do not see any system message at all, it is likely to be a javascript problem on your browser, certain ad-blocker/addon also prevents the function from loading.

If there is the system message "task is queued, ..." but no trade request pops up, it is likely to be that your previous trade with the bot is still waiting for verification. Wait a bit and see if it clears. Bot won't trade with you unless all your items are verified. (You can check if a trade is verified via your shop history). However, verification may take quite a long time if our system fails to communicate with Steam API and the Steam Community for the trade history.

I have this same problem... do you have to use it on a computer with steam installed? I was originally not, but when I tried to use computer with it installed it still didn't do anything. (I don't have an ad-blocker or any addon's to chrome.