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League of Legends(英雄聯盟)的dominion模式上星期三開始了公測階段。在限定時段內玩家可以測試Dominion模式。筆者在今日的測試時段測試了Dominion。附上筆者用Alistar試玩的精彩片段。

Dominion主要以小規模戰鬥為主。死亡的刑罰比DotA式的Summoner's Rift要低很多。變相鼓勵玩家有計劃地去死。玩起下來我連基地也不想回去。因為戰場實在太忙。B後回到戰場的時間感覺上就算只是12秒都很長。

當然1v1強的英雄會比較吃香(可以輕易秒殺人的vayne, xin zhao)但其他如Trundle/ Shen / Rammus 可以容易阻止其他人佔點及撞入砲台。Shaco / Teemo可以在地圖加速器 / 回復站放陷阱。Annie / Malzahar等魔法師可以秒殺及打停企圖阻止隊友搶點的敵人。而類似Alistar / Nasus 這類殺creep如割草的人就可以利用minions幫助佔點。玩起上來要的思維絕對與DotA大相逕庭。

Dominion isn't that great IMO.
It is not as competitive as the Classic (DotA) is.
Basically you just roam from one place to another place, capturing points and hoping not to get caught by a group of 3, which is pretty aimless and pointless to me.
The sense of achievement you can get from Dominion is nothing comparable to that from Classic. Barely you will participate in a team-fight and every one show their true skills to kill as many champions as they can.
As the champion balance is made based of the classic mode, so some champions are just too good in Dominion.

If Classic is for competitive game-play with zero tolerance of errors, then Dominion will be for leisure and show greater room for errors.

I agree with you.
What dominion provides is another type of MOBA different from DotA. It is like another MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game, Bloodline champions I guess? Being much faster and less rage inducing.
Bloodline Champions