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Problem solved.

The problem was that i was sold a fraudulently purchased CS:GO copy through Dispenser.TF for the normal average price (4 Keys) from a trustworthy user.

I was unable to tell Steam to reverse the trade since after the trade i gifted the game through email to a friend.
Finally the trader recognised it was his error so he had just given me the 4 TF2 keys back.

Please, to all the users using dispenser.TF , put your games in sale if you know their origin. If a deal is too god, it may be suspicious.


I am sorry for your loss. Not trying to defend Svenyse but it may not be his intention to sell fraudulent gifts. He probably did not know it when he bought it. Even if he knew, he is still taking a risk as the gift could be deleted before he sold it. Valve is doing it all wrong about fraudulent purchase and put all responsibilities on the traders. This whole Steam gift trading thing is now like a music chair game.

To Svenyse: If more of your gifts turns out to be fraudulent purchase, I may stop you from using our site. Same goes for everyone else.