Forum/Support Market
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Two copies of Rust just vanished, can u help me?

It looks like the guy who sold me this copies revoked them, i wanted to join the game trade market but i was unaware of that kind of issue. I am here to apologize and kindly ask to anyone who have problems with some copies of the games i sold, to please report it to me instantly, i only need a proof that u had an issue with the game, since im having this problem with only one of my providers so far.

I must retire from game market until i am able to buy my own games to sell over since i can't trust anyone selling games anymore, I still need admin help to clear my inventory from missing rust copies, thanks in advance.

I offline purchase Rust Steam Gift you market and i can't get it please help i post some pic in missing items topic.
But if you dont see it

This is my post
I am Exchange 6 Tesura Keys to Dispenser 2 bot.
Here this pic:

I use offline purchase Rust Steam Gift From and Get Rust Steam Gift to Dispenser 2 bot.
Here this pic:
But i can't get tranfer rust steam gift from Dispenser 2 bot please help.

I traded whit Dispenser 28 (Lv.3) at May 25th 17:55 (JPT)
And I bought RUST by TFkey.
But it has been revoked by STEAM.

Please send regular RUST or Regular 6 TFkeys.

813963 Dutorito's Game Shop Dispenser 28 (Lv.3) 1 day, 23 hours ago Completed Purchase

Ty guys, i think steam solved the problem already, if one of you still having any issues i suggest open a ticket support informing this problem with all data needed to help steam solving this with agility (date of the trade, item traded, price paid, my profile your profile and the profile of the guy who sold me the game in the first place)

Here's some useful data, in case of any of you still having the problem:
My Profile:
Talback's Profile (the scammer who sold me the game):

You guys can also add me on steam so i can help u with building a post on steam support providing all info needed by steam to restore ur lost items. Thank you for patience guys and here is the Steam reply.

Opened a ticket on steam support on Wed, 26th Mar 2014 8:00 pm and got this reply from steam:

3 Message by Support Tech Derrick on Thu, 27th Mar 2014 2:49 pm
Hello Eduardo,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

The games you received via trade were purchased fraudulently and removed from your account.

As a customer service gesture, we have restored all items/gifts that were associated with the trade.

Additionally, your Community Market listings were removed and returned to your inventory.

To avoid encountering this issue in the future, please be aware of trades that are excessively imbalanced. Make sure that what you are trading is of similar value to what you are receiving.

Reporting back here, everyone who opened the tickets are reporting they got all keys back... ty all and sorry for this inconvenience.

I open ticket yesterday and stil wait support report to me.


Steam Support send item back to me thank you.