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如果在TF2 server中有人惡意中傷你、高歌、說廢話的話。TF2有內置的靜音功能可以讓你聽不到這些人的聲音。步驟如下:

1.按ESC進入主選單按Resume game上的耳朵圖示。
2.選擇你要靜音的玩家後選mute in-game voice。完成
大家以後就可以無須admin自行將其他玩家靜音。不過要小心將全心協助 / 教導你的隊友都一起靜音。

First Mute CL ! YEY!

What is "不過要小心將協助你的隊友都一起靜音"? Some grammar problems here :D

不過要小心將協助你的隊友都一起靜音 <- fixed

I will mute Kuma first because his voice is too sexy.








Muting people is easy. Its those immature bastards that scream "SAU PEI LAR, PUK GAI JAI" at the first sight of anyone speaking in English.

If you don't want to listen, then learn where the fucking mute function is.

It's ridiculous that TF2 servers lacks freedom of speech, when most likely that those people shouting STFU are screaming for liberation from their parents.

It's ridiculous that TF2 servers lacks freedom of speech, when most likely that those people shouting STFU are screaming for liberation from their parents.

It is not even an act by admins. This depicts how egocentric most Hong Kong people are. They think we are to serve them to every demand they have without objections. Serve them we do, but not to this unreasonable request.

I blame Long Hair and his bad influence on kids.

I blame Long Hair and his bad influence on kids.

I think poor parenting makes children more likely to act on emotions than reasoning.
Education system also makes us separated.