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The map plr_pipeline is bugged at the 3rd stage as invisible walls block both team from finishing the map.

upward 架車都係會 invis. wall block 死... XD

Upward is removed from the mappool due to this. There are reports the same problems also happen in cp_badlands's last point. I don't know whether it was real or not.

It happens in many map not only these ones. In thundermountain there are also problems of transparent textures and dropping through ground. But sometimes it is perfectly fine. I don't really know about the problems exactly.

如果係咁可能咩map都會出事,remove map都無辦法,要等新patch。


如果係咁可能咩map都會出事,remove map都無辦法,要等新patch。


頭先因為呢個bug用server admin interface change map搞到ser 6 crash左。
再係咁highlander可能要因為呢個bug delay。

而家好似係一有出唔到閘,跟住轉map就會crash server,無論係admin轉定RTV轉都會。

Egypt 轉 stage 每次都要10秒先轉門口... 唔知既行左去上一關果邊就會 stuck 死... XD

應該唔係map問題。可能係有新item落左地個時definition錯左搞到出invisible wall。
