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As you might already notice Valve had began the Halloween event for 2011 since the last patch. However, Jon Lippincott of Valve stated that the date of official patch for the Halloween event of 2011 will be 27th October.

Meanwhile @ HSP.HK we have put the Halloween event maps for 2010 into our normal map cycles of all servers, so if you did not participate in the Halloween event last year, you can experience it within this week.

We have also set up a extra server that only run the Halloween event maps of 2010, which you may find it useful to retrieve any Halloween gifts for the event of last year.

Let's look forward to the 2011 Halloween event official patch which is going to be released on 27th October, and hope Valve can fix all the client crash issues by that date.

I hope you registered your server for koth_viaduct_event

All of our servers are registered and in good reputation long time ago, and none of the admins will abuse power like no clip to locate gifts, so I hope everyone can enjoy (well this spawn gifts everywhere is actually quite frustrating for the less lucky ones) finding the gifts.

Halloween is stupid.

TF2 is as boring as a level grinding MMORPG now.

Valve just can't come up with Halloween event that doesn't affect the gameplay.

It's boring but it's a chance to make wealth. You know hats is serious business in TF2.