Forum/Support Market
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I requested a withdraw of 0.01129570 24 hours ago, but they have not been sent yet.

How long I need to wait?


Just sent, sorry for the delay as there are lots of things to deal with here recently.

Just sent, sorry for the delay as there are lots of things to deal with here recently.

Thanks, no problem.
Just one advice, when you ask for the withdraw amount the user are unable to put the total of their bitcoin (plus the fee of 0.0001) because the system inform you that the funds are not sufficient.

So I adjusted the amount to my total - 0.0001 (the fee) and in this way it works.
But with your withdraw you take the fee from my selected amount and not from the remaining founds.

With this system 0.0001 bitcoin will always remain in the account (with the withdraw).