Forum/Support Market
Busy icon
title says it all !

i was trying to update my bot , with new name and summery and links ,
yet only the avatar worked !
i got the Agent name in my shop page changed ! but the actual bot name is not changed and no info is added except the avatar !

after searching in forums i found that several other ppl are having same problem .

any possible fix ? or any idea on how this problem is happening ?

Tnx .

Can you post the bot summary you are trying to put up here?

I guess it's either too long or contain certain invalid characters.

Can you post the bot summary you are trying to put up here?

I guess it's either too long or contain certain invalid characters.

nope , it's not too long ,
plus my other detail like name not change either .

my summery was just a small joke , was gonna test ! but it never worked ,

then i changed it to :

Why my info not getting updated even after 1 day wait !
Only avatar was Automated !

still nothing show up .

I tried to re-establish the Steam session of the bot and changed your bot's name. It worked. So you may try again and change the rest.

I tried to re-establish the Steam session of the bot and changed your bot's name. It worked. So you may try again and change the rest.

Tnx man :D working now :D

I tried to re-establish the Steam session of the bot and changed your bot's name. It worked. So you may try again and change the rest.

Joto can you please check mine too, i have the exact same problem. I became VIP 2 days ago but still can't change any of the info.

hmm i have the same problem , only avatar updates .. i've had this bug since the site transitioned to trade offer system but i never really bothered with it till now

I am guessing it has something to do with timeout because the response from Steam is slow. We will try to tweak it. We will update you here.

Valve respond a Steam Community session ID with a URL encoded value, ex: 'ABDFEFGH==' is responded as 'ABDFEFGH%3D%3D'. However, their server side don't accept a quoted value in the user profile editing form submission.

The result is some user's session ID that doesn't contain '=' can successfully update their profile, and those that contain it cannot.

It should be fixed now, try to update the profile of your bot again.

hmm... and I have only problem with bot avatar - tried different picture hostings, image sizes, even I uploaded it on my personal server but it doesn't work :(

I can't either update my avatar, Shop backround or anything similar. I can only update my Shop's name, description/summary and that's it.