Forum/Support Market
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I am planning to do a highlander on 11/11/2011 - 13/11/2011. For those who are available and are interested please leave your name here.

Rules: Same as pilot highlander matches
Team: Randomly Scrambled per map or chosen by a captain.
Maps: Suggest it now. We may also add more maps depending on who wants to play it.

Mumble server will be provided by HSP. Also, we will be very likely to use HSP server again. Therefore, please get your mic if you can as you can play with full communication on without other players shouting STFU at you.

I might be interested.

is it a mix match? or clan match?
wtever, I must be interested!

Primary: Medic
Secondary: Heavy
Interest: Medic

It is probably a mix match
Since I want people who have no experience in competitive games to experience how competitive highlander works.

quote:(It is probably a mix match
Since I want people who have no experience in competitive games to experience how competitive highlander works.)
Count me in plz!!

is this event still progressing? if yes, just count me and PM u7 to contect me or directly PM me please.... when start the match....thx Cl

is this event still progressing? if yes, just count me and PM u7 to contect me or directly PM me please.... when start the match....thx Cl
p.s the preious one is me...please delete that one@.@"