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HSP highlander teams members please confirm your availability for 18-25/ Dec here:

I have not decided a day with 9ays.

Please reply before 15 th Dec.

Suggestion: between 18-21 Dec.

Prefer 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25

If it's 18 or 19 I might be able to make it on a bit late at night, but does this even involve me?

- how can shot bullet

It involves you because it should be a rather close match, which means this match should be worth watching.

18 22 24 only.
Sorry about that but i have to study for test.

prefer 18-22

i am available on 18 19 21 22 23, if there's need me :x

18-23 is ok

i think 18-21 is better for me.

no 23-25

Is everyone ok if we start at 10pm?

10:00 better than 9:00, if we start at 9:00 probably we will be waiting players to join. for a long time

ALL days are ok if the match starts at 10:00

i suggest play on 19, 20 or 21 since 望月千夜 isnt available on 18.

I probably won't be available on 20. We will have to solve this before 19 i think if we have to play our best roster.

sorry guys i just learn today that i need to 做冬 on 18 and 21... so i won't be available