Forum/Support Market
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This thread is meant for players to suggest possible website improvements and report forum bugs, server bugs.

Both English and Chinese comments are welcomed and appreciated.


This post itself discovers a forum bug.

What's that bug then?


What's that bug then?

The sorting of the forum posts is wrong.
The 'last reply' may not be correct.
Also the last reply would become a link if the topic contains one.

BTW, searching has never been working as intended because the tagging system has flaws.

The last reply may show a reply which is marked as junk.

Another bug discovered:
File manager does not allow users to download file with suffix docx. Charles was given a zip file, I was given a page with unidentifiable codes. I will try to have something suffixed .torrent .

Tested: .torrent can be downloaded, it appeared it is not a suffix length problem.

Forum bug discovered again:
Comment count does not reflect the real amount of comments unless I clear cache.

New bug: Forum seems to misinterpret blank rows (29-9-2011) after the update?



A bunch of the bugs are fixed, if you are free to try it out again please try again :)

Plus, you can now go to account manager and select the group that you want to be watermarked in your avatar.

The tags can be entered by the poster now.

Cache are introduced to reduce re-rendering of frequently read articles, now article pages should be lighting fast.

Coming features
Full text search, TF2 ranking, public accessible cheating report data.

Bug again
The button should be under the picture when rightfloat is used.

It should be fixed now.

A bunch of the bugs are fixed, if you are free to try it out again please try again :)

Plus, you can now go to account manager and select the group that you want to be watermarked in your avatar.

The tags can be entered by the poster now.

Cache are introduced to reduce re-rendering of frequently read articles, now article pages should be lighting fast.

Coming features
Full text search, TF2 ranking, public accessible cheating report data.

As for the above test i did for that picture. The words i typed after the picture code did not show.

The reply count bug happens even when i clear cache. This is not confirmed.

In the forum index page, names which are too short will be misaligned with avatar.

By the way, can we have a view count?

p.s. Sometimes images fail to load with width=600 code. Also, comment count is still incorrect and inconsistent. I suggest disabling caches to see how it copes with the problem.

Another bug spotted as circled.
The word is changed to blue if a link is cut off in the short preview of article in forum.

Bug spotted.

After display name being changed, the name displayed for each post may be inconsistent.

1. Ranking system breaks after I tried to flip pages. (Unhandled exceptions + sorting breaks after page 2)

2. Tag searching is not working and extremely confusing to see. I suggest to make the number of use of each tag hidden and fix the search engine asap. Change the search to be 2 seraches, 1 to search tags and another one to search for content.

3. It is difficult to track old posts. With the amount of posts we have, I suggest spreading different sub-forums for TF2 and articles.

4. Some users (Madocchi specifically) cannot access the forum.

5. ADMIN side only: using BAM! leads to 504 gateway timeout. The ban is applied, however it would be fine if we would have some indications instead of the 504. (I am not talking about you mr. 504)