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Highlander Friendly Match Demo 高地模式友誼示範賽錄影片段:
Application form 報名表格:
Player-seeking / team-seeking 尋求玩家 / 隊伍:

hsp.hk在28/10晚舉辦了第一次高地模式友誼賽,期間,轉播的sourcetv server有近20-30人觀賞比賽。證明高地模式在香港及亞洲有著一定的吸引力。是次比賽雙方均獲益良多。為了提供更多類似比賽及組織隊伍的機會,我們將繼續致力在亞洲區推廣TF2的公開比賽。



1. 加入單一階段的推車地圖
2. 加入非官方地圖 (如pl_swiftwater, cp_prolane)
3. 向其他伺服器 / 論壇宣傳是次比賽及嘗試合辦
4. 招攬更多的玩家,使不同隊伍因隊中有人因事未能出席時可向其他非參賽隊伍借兵
5. 現場旁述
6. 除正式比賽外提供更多有組織的高地比賽練習環境



For the English version, please read in full. hosted its first Highlander match on 28/10. That day, there were about 20-30 spectators on sourcetv viewing the highlander match, proving that Highlander is actually quite attractive around Asia. We all learned a lot from the match. And it is time to provide more competitions and team organizing opportunities with the success of the pilot highlander match between 7's and staff, to promote casual Highlander match toward a boarder audience.

Our current plan is to run a small highlander league with more teams participating during Christmas.

We will be using the same rules as the pilot match. The map pool will be different to allow more variations on game play. Here is some examples of what we are going to do:

1. Payload maps will be played, but limited to only maps with single stage.
2. Inclusion of custom maps (maps not included by default, e.g. pl_swiftwater / cp_prolane)
3. Promotion to other forums / servers and try to collaborate the knowledge and resources to run the highlander league.
4. Allowing mercenaries (players on other team or without team) to play for a team if a player on a team is unavailable.
5. Live commentaries
6. Random, mixed team highlander practice games apart from regular scrims and matches.

We need your opinion to improve our planning and executions for our future highlander matches.

Thank you for all the support to us.

Is there even a highlander competition scene in Asia? Its like all the major TF2 games take place in Europe/Americas and TF2 is hardly popular or something.

I don't know, I just get the feeling in general that the majority of players (in Hong Kong anyway) have a very lone-wolf style gameplay reminiscent of popular FPSes, like Counter-Strike and Coil of Bergundy.

Of the 4 years of playing TF2 on Asian servers (starhub, taiwan servers, etc.) my best experience thus far has been here on the HSP servers. It just feels like you guys "click" together, if you know what I mean.

I think there are some pub who are organized in small groups. Like 3-4. Also, highlander is a lot more approachable as it is a mode valve officially support for public servers. Everyone can join and play to know friends.

If we can promote organized pub vs pub games, the overall atmosphere on public servers will be even more enjoyable than you have mentioned.

Many players in Hong Kong are either lone players or only group of 3-4 people, so it's difficult for them to start clan and such. LI7 showed great influence and leadership in gathering more than 10 people in an organized group, which I am very thankful for that. I hope more and more people like him would appear and start more different groups in hope of organizing more matches (or even a league) in the future.

As for this Christmas proposal, I hope we could at least organize a small tournament with 4 teams on knockout rounds. It should be quite feasible considering has 1 team and LI7 can make 2 teams given some time. Just need some more people who are interested in matches.

Problem is there are some other players who want to form a team, but lack people they know to form up with them. If we would act as a terminal for these freelancers to find their teams, it would be perfect for these freelancers to have a taste of playing in a bigger group of 9.

Simply put, make a post for people to look for teams and let teamleaders pick them up.

In addition, we would borrow secured mumble channels (channels with passwords) to teams who want to use mumble as their main source of communication during matchplay.

Can someone give me the contact of hkcsszm's admin? I would like to discuss highlander organization with them.

I also suggest we take applications now so we can plan our events more effectively.

This would be nice except for the fact that some ozfortress players might want to join in on this and for the players who are not too good at this game it would be terrible for them. We have to check each player out or rather the entire team unless we're doing divisions/leagues.

@Nanosheep, maybe its because we were winning that day, should see us on a losing day :p just kidding. And yeah HSP works great together, I've only been here for about a month or so but I like everyone so far and everyone has a great attitude. The admins are especially great to pull out a server for a match and actually organize it.

like this! u guys are very efficiency :P
it means we could hv more chance to practice =]

I am currently taking applications in If we have enough application, like 4-8. We would be able to draw brackets and divisions.

This sounds nice, but two things I have to ask:
1. I'm a busy Form 5 student, so Christmas time is probably the few times where I would be mainly open and free at night. However, I would like a planned out schedule so that I would know what days I should reserve.
2. It's pretty hard to form a team of 9, and even more for backup. Just wondering, how many teams are there now?

quote:(This sounds nice, but two things I have to ask:
1. I'm a busy Form 5 student, so Christmas time is probably the few times where I would be mainly open and free at night. However, I would like a planned out schedule so that I would know what days I should reserve.
2. It's pretty hard to form a team of 9, and even more for backup. Just wondering, how many teams are there now?)

I can't answer for your first question right now. But for your second question, I think we currently have two teams in HK. The Staffs+Dedicated Pubbers and LI7's team. I think he could form an extra team with the extra members he is having. But we may invite teams outside HK to join too.

Ah, understand. I hope you can come up with a schedule ASAP. :)
One more question: Where are the official and complete rules for this tournament?

The schedule cannot be planned on an exact day, at least not now since exam is coming for me. I should be ready for next week.

um, I can wait. still, can I get the rules of this tournament? Say, the max no. of players per team (reserves and all)?

The only actual rule is you can stuff 9 players in a team during match progress, and there are only 1 player playing each class.

You are free to play with less player.

Weapon and hat bans follows UGC rules.

The current schedule is:
11/11, 12/11, 18/11, 19/11 , 25/11, 26/11 - Random team highlanders in competitive format(no pre-made, everyone auto-assign)
3/12/2011 - Deadline for applications
6/12/2011 - Announcing Match-ups / match schedule
13/12-20/12 - First round
21/12 - 28/12 - Second round