Item Used in Trade
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BTC-USD: 64558.31 ETH-USD: 3153.19 REF-USD: 0.0321 REF-KEY: 0.02 KEY-USD: 1.55
KEY-BTC: 0.00002401
Deposit and withdrawal

a) Item Deposit

Before you deposit, please make sure your profile and backpack is fully public. If you are depositing Steam gifts, you also have to uncheck the option that "hides your Steam gifts inventory regardless of privacy settings". Also, any item deposit that would exceed your shop inventory capacity will be rejected.

The steps of item deposit are illustrated below.

1. Under "Steam Inventory", select an item category.

2. Select the items you want to deposit from your Steam Inventory.

3. Click "Exchange Items" under the item selection box.

4. Verify and accept the trade offer from the bot.

b) Item Withdrawal

Before withdrawing, you have to first close the active trade that is associating with the items. Also, please make sure you have correctly configured your trade offer URL, or you will receive a "Send Error, giving up" error.

The steps of item withdrawal are illustrated below.

1. Under "Shop Inventory", select an item category.

2. Select the items you want to withdraw.

3. Click "Exchange Items" under the item selection box.

4. Verify and accept the trade offer from the bot.

You could deposit and withdraw at once by selecting items from both inventories.