1. When I try to make a trade, I receive error about 'Send Error', 'Inventory Full' or 'Mobile Authenticator disabled' and I cannot receive any trade offers.
Please make sure your account is fully eligible for sending and receiving trade offer. Your Steam Guard must be enabled for at least 15 days. Starting from Dec. 9, 2015, you also need to enable Steam mobile authenticator for sending items. If you are unsure, please try to send trade offer to your friends and confirm that your account is tradable. Always keep the browser cookies from "Steam Community" to prevent resetting the waiting period.
Check whether your game inventory has space to accept new items.
Check whether Valve's Web API is up for the items you are using. Dispenser.tf uses Steam's Web API for TF2 and Dota2 items.
Please make sure the trade offer URL you provide is correct. We have been receiving a number of wrong URLs. Common errors including missed characters, extra spaces, or putting the trade offer URL of our bots instead of your own. Please have a look at the FAQ on how to obtain your own trade offer URL.
2. After I have made a trade, the process status is stuck at "Completed" or "Unavailable" but it never seems to finish. I am not allowed to make another exchange.
This is mostly a temporary problem when we could not obtain backpack information from Steam to confirm the completion of trade.The task will unlocked itself after some time. If the problem persists for hours, please contact us.
3. When I try to deposit items, the bot declines my offer.
You are not a VIP but you are depositing Steam gifts. Only VIP is allowed to trade Steam gifts on Dispenser.tf.
You are trying to put items over your inventory space limit. Withdraw some items before you put in more.
Your trade offer could not be recognized because Steam is down or seriously lagging. Try again later.
4. When I try to accept trade offer from the bot, Steam shows me 'There is an error (X), Please try again later", or "You cannot trade with (Bot name)".
This is a known error when you try to accept your trade offer through an old Steam session. Try to re-login through your web browser and accept it on the Steam Community webpage. If you use the Steam client to trade, try to re-login your Steam client and try again. Fall back to the webpage if the Steam clients fails for a higher chance of success. On another note, these errors do not necessarily mean that the offer could not be accepted. The trade may have gone through with the error poping up.
5. When I try to purchase, it shows me an error "You backpack items cannot satisfy the requirement.." but I am sure I have what is being asked.
Check whether Valve's Web API is up for the items you are using. Dispenser.tf uses Steam's Web API for TF2 and Dota2 items.
Please make sure you have selected the correct wishlist. Your items also have to be 'fully recognized' by Steam before they could be used. Try to refresh the backpack from the game the item belongs to.
If everything fails, retry later as Steam lag may also cause this problem.
6. When I try to give items to a trade, the bots asks for certain special version of items in my backpack that I do not wish to give, is there any way around this?
Yes, after you click purchase, choose "Modify Offer Items" from the confirmation popup and re-select items.
7. After I have bought a Steam gift, I do not receive the gift from your bot.
For tradable gift, please make sure you have provided a working trade offer URL. Try to renew your trade offer URL and update it in preference if you are unsure. Also make sure your account is fully tradable, with no Steam bans, Steam guard locks or a private profile.
For untradable gift, please make sure you have accepted the friend invite from our gift delivery bot. If you have previously ignored its friend request, you should send it a friend request from your side.
8. I encounter an error that is not explained here.
Please report your problem to us via forum.