Forum/Support Market
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Please post all suggestions related to here.

Have the tooltip for items say the recommended price according to

Set the bots' status to "Looking to Trade" when they're online and ready to trade because... why not?

the option to add items to a bag trade

Be able to open backpacks and such in new tabs.

I second the tooltip one. Also, it would be nice to be able to withdraw scrap from one's ATM, I have < 1 ref in mine and would have to trade that amount to my alt, put it up for sale for the same amount, then buy it on my main. Major pain in the ass.

I second the tooltip one. Also, it would be nice to be able to withdraw scrap from one's ATM, I have < 1 ref in mine and would have to trade that amount to my alt, put it up for sale for the same amount, then buy it on my main. Major pain in the ass.

The bots won't have scraps to give you anyway. Scraps take much space and they will obsolete on the ATM. If Valve would not change the inventory limit we would not have to do that. <.<

Have the page refresh after doing an exchange to see the current inventory. Could be done after hitting 'Continue' to close the dialog.

WRT the integration, perhaps have the site suggest the current price when creating a trade? For example, I deposit a strange stickybomb launcher, and when I hit 'Create Trade' a Single trade is open with the sticky on the selling side and 2 rec on the buying side.

WRT the integration, perhaps have the site suggest the current price when creating a trade? For example, I deposit a strange stickybomb launcher, and when I hit 'Create Trade' a Single trade is open with the sticky on the selling side and 2 rec on the buying side.

That would go too far. We have no interest in 'setting the price' for people. The price will be only a simple guideline for buyers so they don't overpay too much.

WRT the integration, perhaps have the site suggest the current price when creating a trade? For example, I deposit a strange stickybomb launcher, and when I hit 'Create Trade' a Single trade is open with the sticky on the selling side and 2 rec on the buying side.

That would go too far. We have no interest in 'setting the price' for people. The price will be only a simple guideline for buyers so they don't overpay too much.

But for many, many items it would be a huge convenience. I listed a pretty good example, as the strange sticky bomb launcher would hardly sell at any other price. Every time I put a strange sticky bomb launcher for sale, it's going to be for 2 rec. It would be a 'suggested' price, that would be very easy to change, but as with the vast majority of prices, most are going to follow the It would just save a bit of time when creating a listing.

Keyboard shortcuts to navigate through trades on main page: j=forward one trade, k=backward one trade;

1) you really need to change the fonts. most of them look too sluggish and not "cleartyped"
2) upper panel looks way too much wide on widescreen resolution
3) more advanced search options(like alphabetic names or lowest price)
4) bigger item icons
5) option to count 2 weapons as 1 scrap in bot trade

Allowing for alternative offers in the wishlist section, for example saying that you'd accept 1.33 refined or a craft hat for something.

1) you really need to change the fonts. most of them look too sluggish and not "cleartyped"
2) upper panel looks way too much wide on widescreen resolution
3) more advanced search options(like alphabetic names or lowest price)
4) bigger item icons
5) option to count 2 weapons as 1 scrap in bot trade

Many of these UI changes is planned. About counting 2 weapons as 1 scrap it sounds like an easy change to many but I am afraid it won't benefit the system. First of all by adding this feature we would also need the option of 'not accepting weapons as metal', further complicating the trade set up. Also people paying with weapons in a metal trade wastes much inventory space.

I support dynamic pricing based on prices.