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BTC-USD: 64342.53 ETH-USD: 3142.86 REF-USD: 0.0321 REF-KEY: 0.02 KEY-USD: 1.55
KEY-BTC: 0.00002409
Owner Accounts

Look here if you have bought revoked gifts:

  1. Accounts listed above includes the owner of this account and one of his alt. trading account.
  2. If you have bought revoked gifts, contacting the seller via these accounts for resolution is more effective than contacting
  3. If needed, these are the accounts to be reported to Steam support.
March 10, 2014, 1:55 p.m.
Shop URL

How to use the bot:
1. Choose the game you wish to purchase
2. Choose the method of payment
3. Put in your Trade offer URL (instructions on the page)
4. Click "Proceed" and then "Backpack"
You will receive a trade offer which you can accept.
Как купить игру:
1.Выбираем игру, которую хотим купить
2.Выбираем метод оплаты (ключи)
4.Указываем ссылку на обмен
5 Нажимаем "PROCEED" затем "BACKPACK"
6.Предложение обмена придет вам от бота

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